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Duérmete Mi Niño


We love this traditional song from El Salvador, originally titled, “Dormite Niñito”, for it’s beautiful imagery and melody. 

 Trad. El Salvador | Linda, Lead Vocals and Harmony | Ariel, Lead Vocal | William Coulter, Guitar | Barry Phillips, Cello | Rebecca Jackson, Violin | Stan Poplin, Bass | Janet Dows, Concertina


Duérmete mi niño, no llores chiquito, 

Vendrán angelitos, las sombras de noche.

Rayitos de luna, rayitos de plata,

Alumbran a mi niño, que está en la cuna.

Rayitos del sol, el cielo azul,

Dejan de dormir, y empiezan a vivir.

Duérmete mi niño, con ojos de diamantes,

Estrellas brillantes, florido el cielo.


Now sleep little baby, don’t cry little darling

The angels are coming with shadows of evening.

The rays of the moonlight spin fine threads of silver,

To shine on my baby, asleep in his cradle.

The rays of the sun, the blue of the sky,

Will wake him from dreams when morning is nigh.

Now sleep little baby, with eyes bright as diamonds,

And brilliant as starlight that shines from the heavens.