Grandma's Love

I love watching my mom and my son together! Over this past year they've developed a special, unique bond.  On the days that Owen takes a nap at Grandma's house, when I'm working with my vocal students, the two of them go upstairs and climb into bed together to read, laugh and cuddle. Owen has become so excited about this before nap event with "La La", his name for Grandma, that he waves me out of the room with a kiss and carries on in the land of make believe.

Owen likes to read the same book over and over. He likes to kiss the pictures of cats and dogs and flowers. My mom will sit with him until he's ready to transition to his crib. She sings to him, she stays with him, she waits patiently as he makes his before sleep sounds, and she reassures him until he surrenders to dreamland. What a joy it is for me to witness this tender relationship my mother and my son share. 

If we're lucky enough to have grandparents in our lives, there is something so moving about watching them with our children! My mom, Linda brings such a creativity and thoughtfulness to every moment with Owen. Today, when we arrived at Linda's for Mother's Day, I noticed she had put a tiny bouquet of roses on Owen's little table. Owen is obsessed with smelling flowers! These little thoughtful touches are part of what define my mom's character, as a mother and a grandmother. She is always thinking of others and how to make them happy. She's always there to nurture her family.

There is nothing like Grandma's love.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom!  I love you to the moon and back!


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