
What a whirlwind this past ten months have been. Owen is on his way to walking and right now it’s all about being on the move. Some days I can keep up with my little dragon. Other days I feel one step behind, tired and dizzy,  Surrender and compassion are my greatest allies. Becoming a mother has changed me at the core.  I think what’s different is that my heart loves like never before. It’s a fierce, deep, devoted love that I feel for Owen. It’s like an invisible, unbreakable chord is connecting us. I see it in my husband, David with Owen as well. The way they laugh together.  The way they look at each other. As David and I grow as parents we also grow as partners. Our communication and love is deepening. The growth takes intentional work though. We’re learning to listen without interrupting and to honor the others' opinion, even if it’s opposite ours. One of my favorite rituals we’ve been doing as a family since Owen was born is singing a morning song. Every morning we open the curtains and sing together. I look forward to the time soon when Owen’s little voice will join in. So far he’s got one word down, but it's not in this song. D-O-G.

Woke Up This Morning

Woke up this morning with the sun in my heart
Woke up this morning with the sun in my heart
Woke up this morning with the sun in my heart
I’ll be shining all day

Shine, Shine, Shine
Shine, Shine, Shine
Shine, Shine, Shine
I’ll be shining all day

~ Ariel

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